World Economic Forum 2020 - more renewables to be included in the energy mix

Leaders from all around the world are meeting at the beginning of each year in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to discuss global, regional and industry agendas. 

Founded in 1971, the WEF is an NGO that has the mission to improve ‘the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".

World Economic Forum

The NGO has announced today that the energy mix is currently failing and that the need for more renewables is essential to the success of policies such as the Paris Agreement passed in 2015. The energy sector contributes to roughly three-quarters of global greenhouse gases, so the transition is of great urgency. However, it is being underestimated. Economic growth is easily attainable whilst reducing CO2 emissions. There needs to be a massive adjustment to how the world produces its energy. This is the only way to break the bond between greenhouse gas emissions and the economic activities that take place globally.

The UN have released a graph showing that in 2030, there will be a 51.8% shortfall of emission reductions. The IEA's Stated Policies Scenario would only limit this shortfall to 40.7%. If underdeveloped countries have economical rises towards those of developed countries, we could see an increase of 250% in CO2 emissions. IEA also state in their Sustainable Development Scenario can keep temperature rise to below 1.8C with a 66% probability without reliance on global net-negative CO2 emissions. This would, therefore, mean that the 33 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions registered in 2018, would be able to be reduced to 10 billion by 2050 even without the extra precautions. The only way to meet the target is for the Paris Agreement to be acted upon.

Emissions Target Graph WEF

We need to use our renewable technologies and energy efficient technologies to extinguish any possibilities of increasing CO2 emissions. Solar panels, battery storage systems, heat pumps, ventilation systems are the types of technologies that can have a massive contribution in helping to tackle one of the biggest crisis of the 21st century - the climate crisis.