One million heat pumps could be installed annually by 2035 as one of the measures to achieve the net-zero emissions target

For the net-zero target to be met, the fossil fuel heating systems will need to be all but phased out by 2050. This involves a significant shift in consumer behaviour and with a typical gas boiler having a lifetime of around 15 years, this leaves a deadline for preventing the replacement of these systems by 2035 at the absolute latest.

Heat Pumps use what is known as a ‘vapour compression cycle’ that allows them to generate energy from liquid vapours. It captures this energy from the movement of outside air or underground sources. It runs on electricity from a compressor that transforms the energy through low carbon generation. One unit from the UK electricity grid has 1 and a half times the carbon emissions of one unit of heat from gas boilers. However, heat pumps can use one unit of electricity to supply three (or more) units of heat making them substantially more efficient than their competition. Gas boilers are responsible for 60% of domestic carbon dioxide emissions so it’s a no brainer to convert to heat pumps that release no emissions.

According to the 2019 Future Homes Standard consultation installation of heat pumps will play a major role in delivering low carbon heating for homes.

2019 common heating system emissions (Source: Heat Pumps Association)

2019 common heating system emissions (Source: Heat Pumps Association)

In 2011, the UK Government set up the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme to encourage renewable technology usage and expansion. It also included a financial incentive for householders, communities and businesses which through their involvement would ultimately increase consumption and sales.

The ambition for 2020 is for 12% of heating to come from renewable and energy-efficient systems such as heat pumps. This target will have to be met in 2020 with the RSHI scheme stopping in March of 2021. Despite this, heat pumps are expected to have a rapid growth in 2020 driven by RHI tariffs and the utilities initiative. UK companies accompanied by the interest of foreign companies can work towards a more dynamic heating market in the UK.

The future of heat pumps appears to be an exciting one as it is estimated a million heat pumps will need to be installed annually by 2035. Hopefully, new grants will be provided by the government as part of a new post -2021 support framework for low-carbon heating.

As specialists in the installation and maintenance of renewable and energy-efficient technologies after every heat pump installation, here at Ecolution our team runs through a system demonstration as well as provide complete Operation and Maintenance packs which includes all the systems details along with information on the best operation, maintenance and upgrade options available.

For more details get in touch with our dedicated team today by calling us at 0330 324 7777 or by filling out our enquiry form.