Ecolution is helping people to stay home to protect lives from COVID-19

Ecolution Group has shown we are all in this together by stepping in to help communities.

As we each work within our organisations to meet the challenges of this strange new world, Ecolution warriors are supporting communities and all of its customers and work together in supporting those who are most vulnerable and in need.

Ecolutionists have been delivering vital food parcels and supplies to residents using company vans to assist those most vulnerable with their daily grocery needs.

‘Working for Ecolution Group, also being on the furlough scheme, today I spent some time delivering groceries from the local farm shop and butchers to local residents.

Many of these are elderly people that have been told in stay home for twelve weeks as they have underlined conditions where it is not safe for them to venture out. We are using Ecolution’s vans to assist those most vulnerable with their daily grocery needs’ said Lee, a proud ‘Ecolutionist’.

This is a moment of solidarity. Let us stand together for today’s needs and tomorrow ‘s opportunities.

Thank you to all our teams for their continuing dedication and support for people in our communities and for each other.