Charity Walk/Run 5K/10K 2019 Lullingstone Country Park

For this years annual Charity Walk/Run we have so far managed to raise £1750! Please carry on donating and collecting your sponsors so we can try to reach our goal of £2500.

In terms of the walk (or run if you were daring enough to go against Andy!), we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the day! We couldn’t have done it without every single one of you!

As a company, Ecolution places a huge emphasis on being family orientated, having started out as a family business. This is something we look to uphold every day and with any social events that take place within our company.

Murdered Abroad supports those that live in the UK who have lost loved ones as the result of murder or manslaughter abroad. This charity was founded by a close family member of one of our directors and as such means a lot to our company as a whole.

Children with Cancer UK actively raise and invest money for vital specialist research to save the lives of every child with cancer and keep their family together. Their vision is a world where every child diagnosed with cancer gets to ring their end of cancer treatment bell.

As an annual event, this is something we look forward to each year as it not only gives us the chance to raise money for this great charity but to socialise outside of work. Plus, with everyone from families, friends, children and dogs invited along with us, it is always guaranteed to be a great day out!

Jointheecolution Charity Walk 2019
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