
Solar PV in London: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

A large percentage of home and business owners choose to ignore the finite nature of fossil fuels and the harm they cause to the environment. But if we are to leave our children and grandchildren a world worth living in then we must one and all come to grips with that uncomfortable reality and embrace renewable energy in London.

Renewable energy does not involve the exploitation and one-time use of finite resources such as oil and coal. Instead, energy is produced using sources that renew themselves, such as sunlight and wind power. By switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources you not only help preserve what is left of our dwindling fossil fuels, but you also do your part in fighting climate change, by reducing the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the air on your behalf.

Solar Power in London

Today’s solar panels use solar photovoltaic cells that are many times more effective at converting sunlight to energy than their predecessors. They’re also far less expensive than the solar panels of the late 80s and early 90s. Which goes a long way toward explaining why they can be found with increasing frequency on rooftops throughout London.

But embracing solar technology is not only a smart environmental move, it’s also a smart financial move because A) solar panels can significantly reduce your energy bills every month and B) the government has numerous schemes in place to subsidise their purchase and to purchase excess power from individual producers.

Other Renewables

Solar power tends to get most of the media attention but it is hardly the only renewable energy London home and business owners can embrace. Wind power now contributes 1/4 of all electricity in the UK, although no one is setting up windmills on their roof. Not yet anyway.

Ground source heat pumps are another option for homes and businesses. With this type of system heat energy is extracted from the ground and is used by homes or businesses for heat and hot water. Yet another option is to capture waste heat that exits most buildings and convert that into electricity.

Do yourself and your grandchildren a favour by embracing one of the green energy alternatives outlined above.
